Electric treatment for severe depression

Electric treatment for severe depression

A new study published in the journal Brain Stimulation (Brain Stimulation) reports initial clinical results of a new type of flour ECT treatment is called ischemic heart electrically centrally (FEAST).

This new form of ECT uses direct stimulation that is sent by pulses, and the bulk of the electrical current sent directly through one electrode is placed on the head after five centimeters of the right eye. ECT traditional uses alternating current, which flows in both directions, and thus difficult directed towards a particular place. ECT (ECT) is still the most effective treatment for acute depression. But even with the latest forms of ECT, there is still a significant risk of adverse effects on cognition, especially memory problems.

The head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Medical Center at the American University in Beirut, Dr. Ziad copper, lead author of  the University of South Carolina Medical and Columbia University in New York: "In this  we found that ECT which aims to place a certain led to clinical improvement significantly in depression for these patients, "he said, adding:" Most importantly, it took patients only five minutes to regain competency cognitive entirely since lighten their eyes after the treatment. this timeframe predicts usually side effects of cognitive over the long term which is much faster than any other form of forms of ECT, in terms of time to restore cognitive competencies much longer, sometimes up to or more than an hour. "

This clinical trial that tested with seventeen adult suffering from depression, built on the work of earlier designed and animal experiments conducted at the University of Columbia. Overall, decreased symptoms of depression in this group by almost half, after the rate of 10 meetings during the four weeks.

And eight patients experienced at least a 50% reduction in their symptoms, while symptoms of depression still largely in five patients. This was the first human use of the treatment of ischemic heart electrically centrally (FEAST), and researchers continue to improve the use of this treatment methods and test how it works by Alosai imaging of the brain.

Said Dr. Harold Sakiem, a professor of psychiatry and radiology at Columbia University and the first developers of this technology: "These results are encouraging initial refers to the possibility of improving and perfecting ECT system with more accurate and centralized like FEAST. This is the data confirmed exciting in depressed patients based on what we found In previous research

Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cryptic diagnosis difficult.

Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cryptic diagnosis difficult.

And one of us who takes leave believing that job stress is the cause, and one of us who advises him immortality doctor to rest, but the rest excess worsen the depression, as some experts argue.

The World Health Organization warned that the depression becomes one of the biggest medical challenges that may be difficult to treat now and in the future, but the Organization predicts that depression becomes second largest burden of health requires treatment in the world by 2020.

In Germany alone, about four million suffer from psychological Aktiabat person requires urgent treatment, while statistics show that seven people with depression are resorting to suicide.

The recently held in the eastern city of Leipzig, Germany, the first conference for people living with depression and was attended by more than a thousand participants from the patients and their relatives with a number of doctors and scientists to be able to deepen their knowledge of the disease, especially from the perspective of the patients themselves.

Get rid of severe depression as possible:
In the conference hall to stop the patient's previous depression Thomas Molar Ryryc on the platform and took the microphone tells self-confident his previous experience with this disease and the ears of the audience listened to him intently. Even if he was still suffering from depression, which suffered for four years, have been able to deliver his speech in this day and this confidence in front of all this combination from the audience.

depressed and worried suffered Thomas, who works as director of the company, from a severe depression myself in the past and went then to the doctor several times, even after spending the leave period did not feel any improvement

He says it himself:
"I have symptoms of depression began to sense similar to the common cold, weakness and loss of appetite. I had a sense of fear. I did not know why Camping fear. And Akedzhani feeling that I am no longer able to go to my company and work as usual, I took a vacation for a week and my health has improved a little but my case it soon worsened to the worst again. "

Was it because of work stress in excess of the limit? Or was it psychologically depressed?
Thomas loves his work and enjoys it, and could not identify his problem at the beginning. And repeatedly went to the doctor to identify the problem, as Thomas says: "I thought that patients with unknown or difficult diagnosis, and horses that I have anemia may be in the blood or a malignant tumor in the brain.

And I asked my doctor to me being too many medical tests, so much so that the doctor began to look at the cases of some lack of seriousness, because the diagnostic results did not point to the existence of any actual disease I have, the doctor as a whole that the doctors go on vacation again. "

Behind all the stress my body stands depression myself:
Statistics confirm that about ten percent of the patients who go to doctors in fact suffer from depression myself invisible can not be easily diagnosed. It is true that there are a large proportion of patients suffering from stress my body sharply due to the ongoing work in the request for a living and difficulties related to it, but Professor Ulrich Higirl specialist in psychology and neuroscience at the hospital in Leipzig German believes that behind all the stress my body stands depression myself often.

The doctor advised depressed premiums by taking a long rest, and adds:
"People with physical stress usually advised to sleep for a longer time or take vacation or so, but this is not feasible in the case of people with depression myself. On the contrary: sleep a lot worsen depression. But that sleep deprivation may be more effective in the treatment of depression. I would advise people with depression not start taking vacations or travel in an attempt to eliminate the disease, it will remain with them and with them wherever they will travel. In a nutshell: holiday exacerbate depression. "

Thomas went to another doctor and felt happy when he finally knew the cause of suffering, which is depression. Many people with depression seems outwardly them they sound body and in good health, but their problem is in fact sometimes they can not accomplish the simplest everyday guardians, and brushing their teeth, for example, becomes every day am a difficult task prefer not to do.

This is the reason that many healthy people can not understand people with depression because their illness hidden. He sees Ulrich Higirl, that depression is not just a mood disorder, but it is a serious disease should pay attention to him.

"Our patients are infected with severe depression. We consider their urgent and emergency requiring ambulance. Like any other urgent disease sore appendicitis, for example. Probability of suicide in patients with severe depression have a great many of them actually attempt suicide.

But cases ranging from cases of mild depression to depression center, which is usually a reaction due to the loss of one's life partner, for example, or his heart attack or because he retired and became a required him to live in the home for the elderly, for example, or for any other reason leads to a significant change in lifestyle . "

Cope with depression daily activity Sportive 1:
Sadness and feeling miserable from particles of ordinary life for everyone, but in cases of depression hanging over this atmosphere the entire patient's body and his soul. Experts agree the terms of reference that different psychological treatment be suitable for cases of mild to moderate depression and taking anti-depressant medications not be necessary except in cases of severe depression. But the reality shows debate among experts about this proposal.

As Thomas says:
"Therapist says: I do not want to have my patient medicines against depression because it is so distracting himself from the real problem and therefore I can not in this case the address my patient psychologically. The neurologist says: Medications are important because my patient is not okay and can not be treated psychologically because the depression has a very sharp. "

Thomas managed to cope with his illness and get rid of it, but it is still very interested in the subject of depression in an effort to benefit other patients through the experience. He joined the German Society for people with depression for this purpose, it is advised not to isolate themselves and that they work in daily activities in their surroundings with others.

This is what the whole patients and experts in the first conference for people living with depression in the German city of Leipzig, as says Ulrich Higirl the expert: "Patients exchange of knowledge and experience among them. And they have to raise their voices expressing their problems and get out in the chests of suffering, because people with depression tend to isolation and guilt Usually, they put forward their demands  "so that they can themselves and others to understand their situation.

Some tips and methods of treatment of winter depression:

Some tips and methods of treatment of winter depression:

• actively carry Athlete frequently: one of the explanations for the emergence of depression in the winter is the hormonal changes in the body, including the low level of serotonin, which causes depression. Actively carry athlete increases the level of serotonin, and therefore is used as a natural anti-depressant.

• Exposure to light: sunlight helps in balancing the hormonal changes that cause depression, and help to raise the level of energy and activity. In the absence of the possibility of exposure to the sun, or on rainy days can use artificial lighting, such as fluorescent lighting, as an alternative.

• drug therapy: in cases where fail attempts to increase serotonin naturally, you should see a doctor who can help in drug treatment, since depression occurs as a result of the low level of serotonin. In this case, it is recommended that you are treated by drugs that help to raise the level of serotonin, such as Cypralex (Cipralex), venlafaxine (venlafaxine).

• are recommended vehicle of complex carbohydrates, so be a long process of digestion and keeps the body to glucose in the blood and the ratio of serotonin in stable condition for a long time.

• not in favor of that person remains alone: ​​Despite the lack of energy that characterizes the winter blues, it is recommended to mix with people and not to stay alone.

• behavioral therapy: people respond differently to changing seasons of the year, and sometimes depression can be overcome through winter to learn new ways of behavior. Through behavioral therapy, the application can be learned and accommodate new ways of behavior and positive fit in with the changing reality

What is the latest and fastest way to treat depression quickly and quickly

What is the latest and fastest way to treat depression quickly and quickly Treatment with new drugs by injection may be a glimmer of hope for patients with depression! May be new drugs antidepressant fast-acting, a good addition to the owned by psychiatrists for tools that treat their depression, because traditional medicines antidepressant works only after weeks of ingested, making the patient depressed fragile during his suffering with patients. Now researchers from the Institute The U.S. National Mental Health, are leading the search re-the study of the antidepressant fast is taken by injection, a drug used in anesthesia known as ketamine by injection, a drug used in anesthesia knows the name of ketamine, is given to patients who suffer from the disorder affective bipolar, and publishedPreliminary results on the first of June 2012 in the Journal of Psychiatry and Organic. Results were these clinical trials, patients who have been using injections of anti-depressants with some patients, with the use of two injections of the drug ketamine every two weeks, and another group of patients received injections do not contain any active material for the treatment of depression.The researchers found that those who were injected with textured ketamine, 79% of them felt better after 40 minutes of taking them the injection of a substance ketamine, compared to patients who were injected with material does not contain any material effective for depression, and these patients did not feel any improvement of any kind. The effect of material ketamine stays for three days and has also been reduced suicidal ideation in these patients. Chief research team at the Institute of the U.S. National mental illness, Carlos Zarit that "the results obtained from a single injection of a substance ketamine in improving depression and reducing the level of suicide within an hour Only one , "and added," for the treatment of depression is quite different from existing drugs offers a real solution to this disease.

Herbal treatment for depression

Herbal treatment for depression

Wave sweeping the world now demanding a return to nature, whether in food or medicine, even in the living and Herbal the medical of these aspirations. Because the healing power has been known for thousands of years and continues to this capability, following even today. Currently, whereupon ... treating the immune system and certain types of cancer after extraction of active substances and purification. Some herbs and damages, although they are natural. Some of them may cause liver failure, such as tea (Hiral) which removes pain and is an anti-oxidant. Some herbs may interact with traditional medicines and cause damage to the body. For example eating garlic Alniee with ginger may be useful in the treatment of headaches, but they are together cause liquidity in blood and prevented Tglth of exposing a person to continuous bleeding. For this, we find that herbal medicines and so-called prescription drugs of plant origin and their active substances can interfere with other treatments or with diseases such as sugar and high blood pressure. This will be dealt with very carefully and be accurately Jraanha. This is known to pharmacists without the other. Because the pharmacology of the basic sciences in their studies and has his research. For this, we find Attarin unaware of these devastating side effects and sometimes deadly. I have chosen some popular herbs that we use or eat to be aware.

Yohimbine herb for the treatment of impotence ... the large doses cause erection for several hours. Concerned about drug users
In anxiety and nervous tension. According to Jasmine eating or eating tea herb Alvaleriana or lack of John or chamomile
In depressed and sad thinking benefit mustard Okhalash the lack of John  . This is more effective and safer than drug Prozac famous and some materials that are useful for the treatment of depression Kvatamen (b) chemical compound rebalance the body with vital eating boiled potatoes and yogurt drink is useful. Because by Altrovan material which makes them hormone Alserotinen in the presence of vitamin B6, B3, and zinc. This hormone plays a key role in the removal of depression.
In diarrhea. According mint. And can be eaten or tea powder.
Headaches. According to the onion and sunflower seeds.
In the heart of nausea and burning (acidity) or indigestion. Benefit chamomile blossom teas (chamomile), ginger, cinnamon, mint and anise and licorice. Has been accompanied by nausea, excessive acidity of the stomach wall, causing erosion caused ulcers. According to eat bread, rice, pasta and fresh vegetables and fruits to the wall of the stomach lining and prevent acid irritation. These foods we eat in small quantities and at intervals with a cup of milk before bedtime so as not to become an empty stomach while sleeping with an exercise walking as a sport because it reduces stomach acid.
To enhance memory, especially in the elderly benefit ginko leaf extract Bjelobolasima even if the reason for the lack of blood flow to the brain and limbs. Because it increases flow., Is this does not help. Might be the cause of poor memory another reason. And improves cognitive functions of the brain. Has been useful in disease dementia (Alzheimer's) because it delays the damage to brain cells.
In the pre-menstrual symptoms as nervous tension and water retention in the body and enlarged breasts. Vivid eating parsley because it is rich in iron and potassium salts and  With of vitamin  which is useful in urinary retention.
Linseed oil (hot oil) benefit blood vessels and nerves, prostate, and stores the refrigerator