Treatment of depression in color
It is well known and hard scientifically that God created man from the body and the spirit was mixed structure of the human elements and ripples, electric and radiation self with the elements in the universe around him of electromagnetic waves and radiation cosmic and vibrations of color and both are composed of different degrees of vibrational wave, which qualifies the rights to life by these electrical and radiation energies. Everyone has different radiation in the wavelength and the number Zbzptha and frequencies from the other, so each person independent of the others in the qualities and complexions. It is rare for similar two uniform in full, and so everyone has a special color is characterized by, (ie: wavelength and pulse frequency of its own), Like fingerprints, each person emits radiation of its own and receives radiation from the universe of radiation and vibrational color that surround it in the environment experienced by. As well as the cause vibrational wave radiation and health, disease, and love and hate. Therefore, if the sending and receiving waves between one person and another close resulted in a strong understanding and love, and the more Tnevert the resulting disagreement and hatred!
Has been studying the impact of colors on our case and mental health, and our way of thinking by scientists for many years. A person who prefers a certain color to another color have to do with the impact of that color on a sense of that person. Fallon is a light or visible radiant energy with a particular wavelength. The photoreceptors in the retina translate this energy into colors, and retina contains three kinds of : a blue, green and red, and the rest of the colors you feel by mixing these three colors.
According to Dr. Alexander thinks (Director of the U.S. Institute of Bio Social Research in Tacoma, Wash.), it is when the light energy enters our bodies, they stimulate the pineal . This explains why the colors have such direct control over our thoughts and our mood and our behavior, and it is surprising that the color effect even on Kviva sight, and those who think that they feel in color, as a result of energy frequencies that are generated within the body, and it shows that the colors you choose for your clothes and your home and your office and your car and Callie.Stardoll Other Your have a profound impact you have.
Colors are known to relieve tension, and it fills one's energy, but they relieve pain and other physical problems. It is worth noting that this idea is not new, in fact, this treatment is originally from traditional ancient Chinese science and so-called PAL (Feng Shui).
When choosing a color for a change in mental status, try to surround yourself with color and focus your mind on that part of it suffers from body during meditation in this color.
This radiation has been divided into two parts:
1) colors is positive: It is characterized by Btfaaladtha where acidic be invigorating and exciting:
- Red:
Addresses anemia (anemia) general weakness, rickets, and helps heal wounds, and cures eczema, burns and some diets acute, such as erysipelas, scarlet fever, measles, and strengthens the body's immunity to disease and increases the heart rate and activity inspiring the brain and respiratory rate. The color of emotions and energy and it helps the healing of disease impotence and frigidity and inflammation of the urinary bladder and skin problems and those who suffer from defects in the movements do not sit in a room decorated red or wear the color red, as well as those who suffer from high blood pressure and on the contrary those who suffer from low blood pressure.
- Orange:
Tonic for the heart and a general tonic and anti-sense land and apathy, depression, drowsiness and oppression and despair and all the bad feelings and helps to cure heart disease, neurological disorders and inflammation of the eyes, such as the cornea is one of the best colors so as to open the appetite and in particular to raise the rate of anorexia patients. Therefore orange mattresses placed on the table. When feeling tired or fatigue tried to wear orange That would raise the level of your energy.
- Yellow:
It is one of the strongest colors rhythm in the more memory you want to remember something I write on yellow paper. But it raises blood pressure and increases the heart rate, but less than red, but the color sexy energy and helps to get rid of depression and respiratory diseases, throat and cough which affects the pancreas, liver, spleen helps to rebuild tissues where but prohibits its use for pregnant women because it affects the work of the kidneys.
- Infrared color:
This color is not used at all in cases of congestion but it helps build red blood cells and sedative used for arthritis pain nerves, cure diseases, anemia and tuberculosis.
- Black:
This color is absolute and is not in the color spectrum and against White and stems from substance abuse and toxic called force-colored and gives a sense of strength and self-confidence but appetite frustrating if you want to lose weight Vafrh your food table with a black cap.
2 - colors is negative: It is characterized by alkaline Btfaaladtha where the cool and soothing:
- Blue:
He remade the activity of the body's nervous system and calming people nerve overweight and with high blood pressure, rheumatic diseases and atherosclerosis and anti-sexual frenzy and lead to relaxation and reduces the number of times breathing. The experiment was conducted aggressive when it came to the children and put them in a blue semester and noted a relative lull and a decrease in aggression. And also noted that the blue color cool the air and Iberdh of the people who live in warm humid climates It also helps relieve ulcers and back pain, rheumatism and inflammatory disorders.
- Indigo:
Resemble the blue in this color effect tonic for memory, thinking and heal intestinal disorders and affects the respiratory disease and heals all breathing disorders.
- Purple:
Sedative in general and especially in neurological and psychiatric diseases, but must use small doses of it. This affects the color on the right ear and teeth and bones, bladder, spleen and handling infectious diseases and analyze cells and tissues and increases benefit the body with food and also creates an atmosphere gives a sense of peace and safety but frustrating appetite is good for diseases of the scalp and kidney problems and the types of migraines.
- Pink (Albimbi):
Has a soothing effect on the body where based muscle . It has been found that the calming aggressive and who are inclined to violence, is usually used in prisons, hospitals and research centers and addiction treatment centers. The color pink is the color suitable for bedrooms where he makes a romantic atmosphere.
- Ultraviolet color:
Has a negative effect and cure rickets, but harmful in the case of diseases of the heart and lungs and cause separation networking as well as the eye is not used in the treatment of cancer but antiseptic and some killer germs.
- White:
It includes all the colors of the light spectrum and is used to treat the disease, especially yellow infected newborns where intense white highlights on them over the area of the liver are healing. As well as doctors advised patients tuberculosis Baltarb, in light of the strong sun and wearing white dresses.
- Green:
To soothe pain in the case of cancer and affects the tongue and the brain, yellow and relieves neurological disorders, exhaustion and heart problems. When the - God forbid - patients tried to sit next to the hills or green area and your mind focused on the affected part who wishes his recovery.
- Green color above:
He fought for the bacteria and welded tissues and wounds, and this radiation is stronger than all the other colors, it is located inside the Great Pyramid and is present in all of the antibiotics.
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