Although it is common for the majority of children and adolescents to feel sad or down in the dumps at times, may be a more severe phenomenon known as depression. 


These young people, who are often as " clinically " depressed, sad , hopeless, or irritable for weeks or even months, they may lose interest in activities that were once enjoyable ( for example, playing with friends ) , their eating habits often change ( ie, they may eat or sleep more or less than usual) , and may have difficulty in thinking and pay attention , even to TV programs or games. The depressed children often display an irritable mood rather than a depressed mood, and symptoms vary depending on age and decline in school performance . They may be as , , employees, or not sure . The diagnosis may be delayed or missed when symptoms are interpreted as  hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) , complicating the diagnosis and treatment of both.
Of particular interest are the young people who clinically depressed may think or talk much about death as well as some depressed children have more specific thoughts about suicide or evil . Often children and teenagers may have similar symptoms when they are grieving the loss of someone close to them . In clinical 
 even when the child has not suffered a loss or a sad event .

of mild or moderate depression , the study focused on paroxetine and imipramine .

For children , adolescents, young adults and probably between 18-24 years , there is an increased risk of both suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior in patients treated with SSRIs. For adults, it is unclear whether SSRIs affect the risk of suicide . A review found some connections : an increased risk , and one third the risk in those 25-65 years old and a decreased risk in those over 65 years. Epidemiological data have shown that the widespread use of antidepressants in the new "SSRI - era", is associated with a significant decrease in suicide rates in many countries with traditionally high rates of suicide. The causality of the relationship is inconclusive.



Some depressed adolescents appear sad, others do not, in fact, irritability rather than depression, it is often the predominant symptom in depressed adolescents and adolescents. A depressed teenager may be hostile, grumpy, or easily lose your cool, and try unexplained pains, which are also common symptoms of depression in young people.


Left untreated, teen depression can lead to problems at
 tragedy such as homicidal violence or suicide. But with the proper help, depression in adolescence is highly treatable.


The number of depressed women is twice that of men. This is due in part to syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression, and perimenopausal depression. As for the signs and 
 feelings of guilt, sleep too much, eat too much, and there is an increase in weight. Women are also more likely to suffer from seasonal affective disorder.



The major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as recurrent depressive disorder , clinical depression , major depression , unipolar depression , or unipolar disorder ) is a mental disorder accompanied by low self-esteem , and loss of interest or pleasure in activities normally pleasant .

 This group of symptoms ( syndrome ) was named , described and classified as one of the mood disorders in the 1980 edition of the diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The term "depression" is ambiguous. E ' is often used to denote this syndrome but may refer to other mood disorders or to lower mood but lack clinical significance . Major depressive disorder is a disabling condition that adversely affects family life , work or academic performance of a person , sleep and eating habits , we can say overall health. Worldwide, about 3.4% of people with major depression commit suicide , and up to 60 % of people who commit suicide have depression or another mood disorder.

The diagnosis of major depression is based on the experiences reported by the patient , behavior reported by relatives or friends , and a mental status examination . There is no laboratory test for major depression , although physicians generally apply for a test to the physical conditions that can cause similar symptoms . If depressive disorder is not detected in the early stages , can lead to a slow recovery and affect or worsen the person's physical health . Standardized screening instruments can be used to detect major depressive disorder . The most common period of onset is between 20 and 30 years, with a peak later, between 30 and 40 years.

 Usually, patients are treated with antidepressant drugs and , in many cases, also receive psychotherapy or counseling , although the effectiveness of the drug in cases of mild or moderate depression is  with associated self-neglect or a significant risk of harm to themselves or others. Only a small proportion are treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) , under a short-acting with general anesthesia. The disease is highly variable . Depressed individuals have shorter life expectancies than those to medical illnesses and suicide . It is not clear if the drugs affect the risk of suicide .

The understanding of the nature and causes of depression has evolved over the centuries , though this understanding is incomplete and has left many aspects of depression as the subject of discussion  social , hereditary , evolutionary and biological . The use of short- or long-term drugs can cause and worsen both depressive symptoms . Psychological treatments are based on theories of . Most biological theories focus on serotonin and other chemicals, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are naturally present in the brain and that facilitate communication between nerve cells .

Determining causes

Determining causes

This notion is classified as a mental disorder in which a decreased mood , lost the ability to enjoy life , is being thought processes . Increasingly, the patient in the doldrums have adverse judgments generally negative , pessimistic view of all the events that happen around . In such a state of confusion arise movements, lethargy, the decreased self-esteem , loss of interest in work , the usual pursuits of life.

Depression era's disease
Depression era's disease
Long-term continuation of mental disorders - from four to six months - this is a serious reason to go to a specialist , who will conduct an effective treatment.

the loss of a loved one ;
loss of job, social status .
With these causes of disease suggests a reactive depression. However, the disorder may be caused by endogenous factors - disturbances in the concentration of neurotransmitters. These substances according to their functional characteristics are similar to the hormones affect brain function.

Thus , the causes of the disease can serve as both psychosocial physiological factors , genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of depression
The main symptoms of mental disorders are the following symptoms :

Depressed mood , state of depression that occur in the course of a long period of time ( from fourteen days or more ) . Bad mood patient does not depend on any external factors.
Anhedonia - lack of interest in activities that once seemed attractive, inability to experience pleasure , pleasurable sensations .
Pronounced manifestation of fatigue, severe fatigue , lack of strength , will, on any activity . This condition is characterized by stability .
Additional symptoms that indicate that the treatment is necessary - such features as :

negative assessment of life ( pessimism ) ;
feelings of guilt , worthlessness ;
anxiety and fear ;
low self-esteem ;
thoughts of death , the desire to commit suicide ;
lack of a stable appetite , with marked reduction or weight gain;
insomnia, dissomnii - sleep disturbances , insomnia .

Treatment of depression - how to choose the right doctor?
Expert in the field of mental disorders is a psychiatrist. Unfortunately , in a society is common set of preconceptions, prejudices, because of which bring myself to go to a psychiatrist rather difficult . Therefore, people are beginning to look for an alternative , I think you can go to a neurologist or a therapist or a psychologist , or ( this happens !) - To a psychic . The latter option is not even worth discussing .

Few people know that a psychologist - it's not a doctor . Psychological education is different from the medical , diagnosis is beyond the competence of a psychologist. This specialist can have a very substantial assistance to the patient , but only after a diagnosis has already been installed . Set the same diagnosis can only be a doctor. Therefore, to begin treatment with an address to the psychologist unfollow .

Engaged in psychotherapy therapists, psychologists . If you decide to go to a therapist , it makes sense to find out who is an expert on education that you have chosen . If he's a doctor , it's okay . Most people go to a neurologist . Traditionally accepted that neurology and psychiatry - a very close degree . However, you do not go to a psychiatrist to treat sciatica . Similarly treat this condition should not be a neurologist .

It is best to overcome prejudices and to consult with a psychiatrist to help in treatment. Mental Health Act , which operates in Russia for more than 10 years , has canceled the infamous " psychiatric records ", so the appeal to a psychiatrist today, does not entail any unpleasant social consequences . A benefit of this treatment can be high.

How to avoid the development of depression?
Here'sa few tips to help you prevent the occurrence of the development of the disease:

should not be required to their excessive demands ;
than focusing on their own failure , do not blame yourself - calm down and gathered his thoughts , analyze your mistake and choose the most appropriate solution ;
stick composed by you , the most convenient , the daily routine ;
Praise yourself for personal achievement , encourage yourself with pleasant things - buying new clothes , going to the theater or cinema, leave travel ;
Do daily exercise, exercise alone or in sports centers , fitness clubs ;
systematically relax as much as you like - with your friends , loved ones , family or alone;
Try as much as possible to communicate with the people dear to you .
Remember: If you have already received treatment for depression or have ever experienced such a mental state , you should take steps to prevent recurrence of the disease. Need to visit a therapist regularly .

How to live with ?
Effective treatment of depression should start first of all with the proper organization of the patient's life . This is not so simple. The concept of " organization of life" includes many components , and each of them has a special meaning to talk .

A few words to relatives, friends of the patient in the recovery period
Support from the family plays a crucial role in treatment of depression. Unfortunately , almost everyone who has had a similar disorder , can share his experiences when relatives , friends demanded " pull themselves together ", " fun and forget about everything ." Former patients are told how annoyance experienced members of the family as they wondered inactivity patient, as they say, " I also do not want to go to work, but I'm coming! "

Please keep in mind that although depression is not like an " ordinary disease" (if it does not hurt, the temperature is normal , blood pressure - too) , this is a real disease , and more painful than most . Therefore, do not reproach the patient to laziness, promiscuity , whim or weakness. Do not injure his reproaches, do not ask what he can not. Fulfilling these requirements , it 'll do him already substantial support and assistance . In addition, you can encourage him by telling about the people who have been treated and recovered ( among your friends are sure there will be ) .

So, if your loved one is receiving treatment of depression , we recommend the following:

do not ignore the requests of the complaint;
not to make any sudden accusations , comments;
not allowed to become sick too often left alone ;
Avoid trite consolations ;
try to convince the person - will soon be depressed , treatment will certainly help , the patient will recover very soon ;
prevent the development of feelings of guilt for the patient;
be calm , confident, at the same time we show compassion , understanding ;
not willfully be cheerful ;
capture the attention of your loved one to a positive change in the course of the disease ;
should be held in strict observation of the daily routine .

Recommendations to the patient :
At the time until the condition is severe , you have to do only one thing: to listen to the advice of doctors in a timely manner to take prescribed medication. In no event during treatment is not necessary :

To make responsible decisions. For example , many people during the depression came to the conclusion that they have to leave their jobs because feel professionally incompetent . Do not do it ! Self-assessment during the illness grossly understated. It's just a symptom of the disease . Postpone the decision until recovery.
Reproach myself that something was done . A lot of people in your state blamed himself for not having washed the dishes, swept the floor is not , not cooked dinner. Do not blame yourself for it! Inability to cope with the usual everyday things - also a symptom of depression, and to overcome the symptom of the disease at will is impossible ( you can not force the will to stop a runny nose !)
To think that your mood will never improve . Depression - always a temporary condition . From a theoretical point of view, one can not even be treated, this condition will still be held . Just now, stupid bear for too long because modern medicines (such as reksetin ) significantly accelerate recovery.

Depression - what is it

Depression - what is it ?

Being in a bad mood , we often say " I'm depressed ." But this is only a domestic value of the word.
Psychologists often talk about seasonal depression - a reduction of mood and performance at certain times of the year. Describes the autumn , winter , spring depression . It turns out that the only time of the year without depression - this summer ?

Depression - what is it ?
Depression - what is it ?

The medical concept of depression - it's not just a bad mood, as commonly believed, but serious disease that has certain symptoms. It can be at any time of the year , but often begins with seasonal depression . Depression is a disease in a group of diseases called " affective disorders ", i.e. mood disorders.
Symptoms of depression.
The main symptoms are:
1. Reduced ( depressed , depression , melancholy ) mood.
2 . Loss of interest and pleasure in things and activities that were once enjoyable.
3 . Reduction of energy , which leads to fatigue and reduced activity.
In addition, there are additional symptoms that are often attached to the core symptoms of depression include:
- Reduced ability to focus and concentrate .
- Thoughts on the guilt and self-blame .
- Gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future.
- Thoughts and actions related to suicide or self-harm .
- Sleep disorders - insomnia , difficulty falling asleep or early awakening.
- Violations of appetite - most of his absence and loss of weight.
- Violation of sexual desire .
- A significant confusion surrounding or excessive fussiness .
If these are typical symptoms last at least two weeks , every day , and take up a large part of the day , in this case we can talk about depression as a disease that must be treated


Q: How is Depression?
A: In the treatment of depression you have to take into account different strategies. The most important are represented by psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, but it would be a mistake not to take into account other types of therapy less common, but which must be taken into account in some special situations and / or when the two approaches prove ineffective election: is the case, for example, the light therapy in disorder to seasonal trend; electroconvulsive therapy (TEC) in the depressions resistant or when the use of drugs is contraindicated; transcranial magnetic stimulation (SMT) recent introduction of a technique that seems effective in depression and also in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the vagus nerve stimulation, this newly introduced active in certain forms of treatment-resistant depression.

Q: There are many psychotherapeutic techniques: they are all equally effective?
A: In fact, more than 200 have been described psychotherapeutic techniques, from the classical Freudian psychoanalysis to the many techniques more or less reliable and more or less "personal" (applied, that is, by those who have proposed and a few others). Although it is difficult to evaluate in a standardized way the effectiveness of psychotherapy, two methods have been objectively proven effective in depressed patients, cognitive therapy (or cognitive-behavioral) and interpersonal therapy.

Q: What is cognitive therapy?
R: Cognitive therapy is a short-term therapy (15-20 sessions) that aims to identify certain fixed patterns of reasoning and interpretation of reality, the so-called "cognitive distortions," which can be defined as erroneous ideas that affect the way which we see and evaluate ourselves. These cognitive distortions can be considered as the cause of severe and persistent negative emotions, which are the symptoms of the disorder. Once these cognitive distortions, cognitive therapy tries to fix them and integrate them with other thoughts more objective, or at least more functional well-being of the person.
This is also called cognitive-behavioral therapy because this therapy also tries to change the relationship that exists between the situations that are the basis of the difficulties and emotional reactions and behavior that the person has in those circumstances, by learning how to react new and positive.

1. The most important thing about depression
The depressions are a widespread disease. A depression is 
however, can be successfully treated. There is no reason to be ashamed of some
symptoms of depression.
2. Who suffers from depression?
A depression is a disease that occurs frequently and that can affect
anyone. It is assumed that about 20% of the population becomes ill at least once
in the life of depression. More than 4 million people in Germany are sick to
moment of depression. The depressive disorders are therefore diseases
psychic and more frequent. The women will be affected about 2 times more frequently
of men.
3.Cos' is depression?
Suffer from depression does not just mean being sad or feel sorry because of
a loss. A depression is a functional disorder (such as diabetes or
high blood pressure) of the psychic functions, which affects your thoughts and feelings,
on your physical health and your behavior.
A depression can be caused or facilitated by the particular conditions of life (for
example extremely stressful conditions or strong 
make it harder for a complete cure. A depression is not a weakness
personal, but a medical condition that should be treated.
Depression can be caused by various circumstances:
... Family history and causes of hereditary origin,
Life experiences ... particularly heavy,
... Other medical conditions,
Certain medicines ...,
... Abuse of alcohol or drugs,
... Other mental disorders.

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression: Electric treatment for severe depression A new study published in the journal Brain Stimulation (Brain Stimulation) reports initial cl...

Treatment of depression: Severe depression

Treatment of depression: Severe depression: Melancholy is the most intense and most severe form of depression. His clinical depressive syndrome differs from that has just been descri...

Treatment of depression: What is depression?

Treatment of depression: What is depression?: What is depression? It is very important to get the nuance between what we call depression, which is actually a normal depressive reacti...

Treatment of depression: Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cry...

Treatment of depression: Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cry...: Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cryptic diagnosis difficult. And one of us who takes leave believing that job stress is...

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression: Electric treatment for severe depression A new study published in the journal Brain Stimulation (Brain Stimulation) reports initial cl...

Treatment of depression: Severe depression

Treatment of depression: Severe depression: Melancholy is the most intense and most severe form of depression. His clinical depressive syndrome differs from that has just been descri...

Treatment of depression: What is depression?

Treatment of depression: What is depression?: What is depression? It is very important to get the nuance between what we call depression, which is actually a normal depressive reacti...

What is depression?

What is depression?
It is very important to get the nuance between what we call depression, which is actually a normal depressive reaction after certain life events, and depression is a real illness requiring attention and appropriate treatment.
Depression is a reaction to the social and psychological factors (eg, bereavement, separation, divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, etc..) That generate normal depression. These phenomena have a limited time period and usually give way to stimuli and other pleasures.
In the case of  factors in people who are infected. The duration of a real depression is usually long and can even extend over one or two years if it is not treated properly. In addition, the depressed person does not respond to stimuli and therefore find little or no pleasure in any activity whatsoever.
Some facts about depression
• 17% of people will have depression at some point during their life time;
• Each year, 5% of people with depression;
• The disease is more common in women during the fertile period, from puberty to menopause;
• humans, depression is most common after age 40;
• a large number of teenagers and elderly people suffer from depression;
• all people are prone to depression, regardless of their race or religion;
Warning Signs
Illustration of biopsychosocial interaction of depression
Social stress
Psychological defense (depression or physical reaction)
Biological sensitivity (major depression or physical illness)
Environmental Factors
Depression can be caused by various environmental factors:
• lifestyle;
• drug use;
• poisoned work environment;
• unemployment;
• Single family.
Biological Factors
In the person with major depression, some changes in neurotransmitters are made:
• a decrease in serotonin, which causes feelings of depression, anxiety and obsessive thoughts, and loss of sleep and loss of appetite;
• a decrease in norepinephrine causes a loss of energy, loss of motivation and negative thoughts;
• a decrease of dopamine, resulting in a decrease in feelings of pleasure and difficulty in concentration.

Hormonal perspective, we can see other biological phenomena experienced by the depressed person:
• in women, hormonal fluctuation occurs during fertile cycles and during pregnancy and after childbirth, and humans, there is a gradual decline in androgen levels after 40 years;
• dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
• increased release of cortisol stress-related;
• immune function is also reduced.
Psychological Factors
Psychological factors are noted in depression:
• a feeling of rejection and loss towards people loved, and even though they are still close to her;
• a severity to his own person, very rigid conscience, a willingness to punish her for everything she has done wrong in the past;
• negative thoughts, one thing to be a bad person, that everything around him is bad and everything is always bad;
• a feeling that life is worthless, hopeless and there is no help available.
The main symptoms that help diagnose major depression in a person are as follows:
• sleep problems (insomnia or hypersomnia);
• loss of energy and fatigue
• loss of interest and pleasure;
• psychomotor slowing or agitation;
• poor concentration or ability to think or indecision;
• feelings of guilt;
• recurrent thoughts of death (in 60% of cases), recurrent suicidal ideation (in 15% of cases).
Must be detected at least five of the nine symptoms in a person before a diagnosis of depression.

Associated symptoms:
- Anxiety;
- Social withdrawal.
Psychological, biological and community treatment of depression are intended to improve the overall condition of the person affected taking into account the various biopsychosocial factors.
At the beginning of treatment, psychotherapists can help people with the following:
• providing them in the support and the information;
• organizing information sessions with the family;
• involving them in their recovery.
In times of crisis, people with major depression may receive specific individual aid:
• via a cognitive-behavioral therapy;
• using interpersonal therapy.
After the crisis, the following process will be undertaken:
• therapy in more depth with the person;
• a therapeutic approach involving close.
Throughout this process, the reference to the depressed person and his family to community organizations, such as Revive, is very useful.
Biological treatment
Depression is treated with drugs called antidepressants. This medication regulates neurotransmitters and can find fairly quickly (usually within a few weeks)
• sleep;
• appetite;
• renewed energy;
• pleasure;
• positive thoughts;
• Better concentration;
• a decrease in anxiety.
If the first choice antidepressant does not work, combinations of antidepressants or uploads other treatments may potentiate the mood:
• hormones (estrogen, testosterone, thyroid extracts);
• tryptophan;
• mood stabilizers (lithium, anticonvulsants);
• atypical neuroleptics;
• psychostimulants.
Antidepressants should be prescribed for a period of at least six months after the remission of the disease in order to minimize the risk of recurrence. However, the treatment may be extended if depressive symptoms persist. Antidepressants do not create addiction, but should, at the end of treatment be discontinued gradually.
The treatment of depression with antidepressants is effective in 75% of people with depression. It is important to mention that we should aim to complete remission of the disease

Severe depression

Melancholy is the most intense and most severe form of depression. His clinical depressive syndrome differs from that has just been described by three key elements:

mental pain than physical pain, divestment is global and massive, slow the engine approaches linhibition,
expression of delusional ideas often reluctantly always centered on themes of worthlessness, déchec, guilt, or ruin dincurabilité,
constant desire for death, sometimes verbalized, often with great reluctance: only its inhibition prevents moving subject to the achievement of the notice suicidal.
Any melancholy life-threatening. The risk of suicide should be evaluated in all depressed patients, asking them directly about their suicidal thoughts and impulses as well as their personal history of suicide attempts.

Clinical forms

The clinic episode determines the specifics of melancholy access:

single melancholic depression: intensity of grief, the importance of anhedonia, psychomotor retardation and somatic symptoms, presence of delusions (guilt, worthlessness)
delirious melancholy major depressive episode associated with delirium near the simple melancholic depression plus the notion of persecution,
anxious melancholy anxiety marked hypersthésie painful agitation (disturbing diagnosis), moral pain and severe anhedonia, lack of reaction with the environment, sense of guilt, unworthiness,
stupor melancholy maximum psychomotor inhibition, often involved in bipolar disorder,
mood disorder masked by somatic symptoms which the patient refers (physical ailments:: digestive disorders, cardio-respiratory and varied and persistent pain such as headaches, pains of facial area, back pain). masked depression Multiple somatization and anxiety sensations conceal depressive syndrome making diagnosis difficult.

Electric treatment for severe depression

Electric treatment for severe depression

A new study published in the journal Brain Stimulation (Brain Stimulation) reports initial clinical results of a new type of flour ECT treatment is called ischemic heart electrically centrally (FEAST).

This new form of ECT uses direct stimulation that is sent by pulses, and the bulk of the electrical current sent directly through one electrode is placed on the head after five centimeters of the right eye. ECT traditional uses alternating current, which flows in both directions, and thus difficult directed towards a particular place. ECT (ECT) is still the most effective treatment for acute depression. But even with the latest forms of ECT, there is still a significant risk of adverse effects on cognition, especially memory problems.

The head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Medical Center at the American University in Beirut, Dr. Ziad copper, lead author of  the University of South Carolina Medical and Columbia University in New York: "In this  we found that ECT which aims to place a certain led to clinical improvement significantly in depression for these patients, "he said, adding:" Most importantly, it took patients only five minutes to regain competency cognitive entirely since lighten their eyes after the treatment. this timeframe predicts usually side effects of cognitive over the long term which is much faster than any other form of forms of ECT, in terms of time to restore cognitive competencies much longer, sometimes up to or more than an hour. "

This clinical trial that tested with seventeen adult suffering from depression, built on the work of earlier designed and animal experiments conducted at the University of Columbia. Overall, decreased symptoms of depression in this group by almost half, after the rate of 10 meetings during the four weeks.

And eight patients experienced at least a 50% reduction in their symptoms, while symptoms of depression still largely in five patients. This was the first human use of the treatment of ischemic heart electrically centrally (FEAST), and researchers continue to improve the use of this treatment methods and test how it works by Alosai imaging of the brain.

Said Dr. Harold Sakiem, a professor of psychiatry and radiology at Columbia University and the first developers of this technology: "These results are encouraging initial refers to the possibility of improving and perfecting ECT system with more accurate and centralized like FEAST. This is the data confirmed exciting in depressed patients based on what we found In previous research

Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cryptic diagnosis difficult.

Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cryptic diagnosis difficult.

And one of us who takes leave believing that job stress is the cause, and one of us who advises him immortality doctor to rest, but the rest excess worsen the depression, as some experts argue.

The World Health Organization warned that the depression becomes one of the biggest medical challenges that may be difficult to treat now and in the future, but the Organization predicts that depression becomes second largest burden of health requires treatment in the world by 2020.

In Germany alone, about four million suffer from psychological Aktiabat person requires urgent treatment, while statistics show that seven people with depression are resorting to suicide.

The recently held in the eastern city of Leipzig, Germany, the first conference for people living with depression and was attended by more than a thousand participants from the patients and their relatives with a number of doctors and scientists to be able to deepen their knowledge of the disease, especially from the perspective of the patients themselves.

Get rid of severe depression as possible:
In the conference hall to stop the patient's previous depression Thomas Molar Ryryc on the platform and took the microphone tells self-confident his previous experience with this disease and the ears of the audience listened to him intently. Even if he was still suffering from depression, which suffered for four years, have been able to deliver his speech in this day and this confidence in front of all this combination from the audience.

depressed and worried suffered Thomas, who works as director of the company, from a severe depression myself in the past and went then to the doctor several times, even after spending the leave period did not feel any improvement

He says it himself:
"I have symptoms of depression began to sense similar to the common cold, weakness and loss of appetite. I had a sense of fear. I did not know why Camping fear. And Akedzhani feeling that I am no longer able to go to my company and work as usual, I took a vacation for a week and my health has improved a little but my case it soon worsened to the worst again. "

Was it because of work stress in excess of the limit? Or was it psychologically depressed?
Thomas loves his work and enjoys it, and could not identify his problem at the beginning. And repeatedly went to the doctor to identify the problem, as Thomas says: "I thought that patients with unknown or difficult diagnosis, and horses that I have anemia may be in the blood or a malignant tumor in the brain.

And I asked my doctor to me being too many medical tests, so much so that the doctor began to look at the cases of some lack of seriousness, because the diagnostic results did not point to the existence of any actual disease I have, the doctor as a whole that the doctors go on vacation again. "

Behind all the stress my body stands depression myself:
Statistics confirm that about ten percent of the patients who go to doctors in fact suffer from depression myself invisible can not be easily diagnosed. It is true that there are a large proportion of patients suffering from stress my body sharply due to the ongoing work in the request for a living and difficulties related to it, but Professor Ulrich Higirl specialist in psychology and neuroscience at the hospital in Leipzig German believes that behind all the stress my body stands depression myself often.

The doctor advised depressed premiums by taking a long rest, and adds:
"People with physical stress usually advised to sleep for a longer time or take vacation or so, but this is not feasible in the case of people with depression myself. On the contrary: sleep a lot worsen depression. But that sleep deprivation may be more effective in the treatment of depression. I would advise people with depression not start taking vacations or travel in an attempt to eliminate the disease, it will remain with them and with them wherever they will travel. In a nutshell: holiday exacerbate depression. "

Thomas went to another doctor and felt happy when he finally knew the cause of suffering, which is depression. Many people with depression seems outwardly them they sound body and in good health, but their problem is in fact sometimes they can not accomplish the simplest everyday guardians, and brushing their teeth, for example, becomes every day am a difficult task prefer not to do.

This is the reason that many healthy people can not understand people with depression because their illness hidden. He sees Ulrich Higirl, that depression is not just a mood disorder, but it is a serious disease should pay attention to him.

"Our patients are infected with severe depression. We consider their urgent and emergency requiring ambulance. Like any other urgent disease sore appendicitis, for example. Probability of suicide in patients with severe depression have a great many of them actually attempt suicide.

But cases ranging from cases of mild depression to depression center, which is usually a reaction due to the loss of one's life partner, for example, or his heart attack or because he retired and became a required him to live in the home for the elderly, for example, or for any other reason leads to a significant change in lifestyle . "

Cope with depression daily activity Sportive 1:
Sadness and feeling miserable from particles of ordinary life for everyone, but in cases of depression hanging over this atmosphere the entire patient's body and his soul. Experts agree the terms of reference that different psychological treatment be suitable for cases of mild to moderate depression and taking anti-depressant medications not be necessary except in cases of severe depression. But the reality shows debate among experts about this proposal.

As Thomas says:
"Therapist says: I do not want to have my patient medicines against depression because it is so distracting himself from the real problem and therefore I can not in this case the address my patient psychologically. The neurologist says: Medications are important because my patient is not okay and can not be treated psychologically because the depression has a very sharp. "

Thomas managed to cope with his illness and get rid of it, but it is still very interested in the subject of depression in an effort to benefit other patients through the experience. He joined the German Society for people with depression for this purpose, it is advised not to isolate themselves and that they work in daily activities in their surroundings with others.

This is what the whole patients and experts in the first conference for people living with depression in the German city of Leipzig, as says Ulrich Higirl the expert: "Patients exchange of knowledge and experience among them. And they have to raise their voices expressing their problems and get out in the chests of suffering, because people with depression tend to isolation and guilt Usually, they put forward their demands  "so that they can themselves and others to understand their situation.

Some tips and methods of treatment of winter depression:

Some tips and methods of treatment of winter depression:

• actively carry Athlete frequently: one of the explanations for the emergence of depression in the winter is the hormonal changes in the body, including the low level of serotonin, which causes depression. Actively carry athlete increases the level of serotonin, and therefore is used as a natural anti-depressant.

• Exposure to light: sunlight helps in balancing the hormonal changes that cause depression, and help to raise the level of energy and activity. In the absence of the possibility of exposure to the sun, or on rainy days can use artificial lighting, such as fluorescent lighting, as an alternative.

• drug therapy: in cases where fail attempts to increase serotonin naturally, you should see a doctor who can help in drug treatment, since depression occurs as a result of the low level of serotonin. In this case, it is recommended that you are treated by drugs that help to raise the level of serotonin, such as Cypralex (Cipralex), venlafaxine (venlafaxine).

• are recommended vehicle of complex carbohydrates, so be a long process of digestion and keeps the body to glucose in the blood and the ratio of serotonin in stable condition for a long time.

• not in favor of that person remains alone: ​​Despite the lack of energy that characterizes the winter blues, it is recommended to mix with people and not to stay alone.

• behavioral therapy: people respond differently to changing seasons of the year, and sometimes depression can be overcome through winter to learn new ways of behavior. Through behavioral therapy, the application can be learned and accommodate new ways of behavior and positive fit in with the changing reality

What is the latest and fastest way to treat depression quickly and quickly

What is the latest and fastest way to treat depression quickly and quickly Treatment with new drugs by injection may be a glimmer of hope for patients with depression! May be new drugs antidepressant fast-acting, a good addition to the owned by psychiatrists for tools that treat their depression, because traditional medicines antidepressant works only after weeks of ingested, making the patient depressed fragile during his suffering with patients. Now researchers from the Institute The U.S. National Mental Health, are leading the search re-the study of the antidepressant fast is taken by injection, a drug used in anesthesia known as ketamine by injection, a drug used in anesthesia knows the name of ketamine, is given to patients who suffer from the disorder affective bipolar, and publishedPreliminary results on the first of June 2012 in the Journal of Psychiatry and Organic. Results were these clinical trials, patients who have been using injections of anti-depressants with some patients, with the use of two injections of the drug ketamine every two weeks, and another group of patients received injections do not contain any active material for the treatment of depression.The researchers found that those who were injected with textured ketamine, 79% of them felt better after 40 minutes of taking them the injection of a substance ketamine, compared to patients who were injected with material does not contain any material effective for depression, and these patients did not feel any improvement of any kind. The effect of material ketamine stays for three days and has also been reduced suicidal ideation in these patients. Chief research team at the Institute of the U.S. National mental illness, Carlos Zarit that "the results obtained from a single injection of a substance ketamine in improving depression and reducing the level of suicide within an hour Only one , "and added," for the treatment of depression is quite different from existing drugs offers a real solution to this disease.

Herbal treatment for depression

Herbal treatment for depression

Wave sweeping the world now demanding a return to nature, whether in food or medicine, even in the living and Herbal the medical of these aspirations. Because the healing power has been known for thousands of years and continues to this capability, following even today. Currently, whereupon ... treating the immune system and certain types of cancer after extraction of active substances and purification. Some herbs and damages, although they are natural. Some of them may cause liver failure, such as tea (Hiral) which removes pain and is an anti-oxidant. Some herbs may interact with traditional medicines and cause damage to the body. For example eating garlic Alniee with ginger may be useful in the treatment of headaches, but they are together cause liquidity in blood and prevented Tglth of exposing a person to continuous bleeding. For this, we find that herbal medicines and so-called prescription drugs of plant origin and their active substances can interfere with other treatments or with diseases such as sugar and high blood pressure. This will be dealt with very carefully and be accurately Jraanha. This is known to pharmacists without the other. Because the pharmacology of the basic sciences in their studies and has his research. For this, we find Attarin unaware of these devastating side effects and sometimes deadly. I have chosen some popular herbs that we use or eat to be aware.

Yohimbine herb for the treatment of impotence ... the large doses cause erection for several hours. Concerned about drug users
In anxiety and nervous tension. According to Jasmine eating or eating tea herb Alvaleriana or lack of John or chamomile
In depressed and sad thinking benefit mustard Okhalash the lack of John  . This is more effective and safer than drug Prozac famous and some materials that are useful for the treatment of depression Kvatamen (b) chemical compound rebalance the body with vital eating boiled potatoes and yogurt drink is useful. Because by Altrovan material which makes them hormone Alserotinen in the presence of vitamin B6, B3, and zinc. This hormone plays a key role in the removal of depression.
In diarrhea. According mint. And can be eaten or tea powder.
Headaches. According to the onion and sunflower seeds.
In the heart of nausea and burning (acidity) or indigestion. Benefit chamomile blossom teas (chamomile), ginger, cinnamon, mint and anise and licorice. Has been accompanied by nausea, excessive acidity of the stomach wall, causing erosion caused ulcers. According to eat bread, rice, pasta and fresh vegetables and fruits to the wall of the stomach lining and prevent acid irritation. These foods we eat in small quantities and at intervals with a cup of milk before bedtime so as not to become an empty stomach while sleeping with an exercise walking as a sport because it reduces stomach acid.
To enhance memory, especially in the elderly benefit ginko leaf extract Bjelobolasima even if the reason for the lack of blood flow to the brain and limbs. Because it increases flow., Is this does not help. Might be the cause of poor memory another reason. And improves cognitive functions of the brain. Has been useful in disease dementia (Alzheimer's) because it delays the damage to brain cells.
In the pre-menstrual symptoms as nervous tension and water retention in the body and enlarged breasts. Vivid eating parsley because it is rich in iron and potassium salts and  With of vitamin  which is useful in urinary retention.
Linseed oil (hot oil) benefit blood vessels and nerves, prostate, and stores the refrigerator

Treatment of depression in color

Treatment of depression in color

It is well known and hard scientifically that God created man from the body and the spirit was mixed structure of the human elements and ripples, electric and radiation self with the elements in the universe around him of electromagnetic waves and radiation cosmic and vibrations of color and both are composed of different degrees of vibrational wave, which qualifies the rights to life by these electrical and radiation energies. Everyone has different radiation in the wavelength and the number Zbzptha and frequencies from the other, so each person independent of the others in the qualities and complexions. It is rare for similar two uniform in full, and so everyone has a special color is characterized by, (ie: wavelength and pulse frequency of its own), Like fingerprints, each person emits radiation of its own and receives radiation from the universe of radiation and vibrational color that surround it in the environment experienced by. As well as the cause vibrational wave radiation and health, disease, and love and hate. Therefore, if the sending and receiving waves between one person and another close resulted in a strong understanding and love, and the more Tnevert the resulting disagreement and hatred!

Has been studying the impact of colors on our case and mental health, and our way of thinking by scientists for many years. A person who prefers a certain color to another color have to do with the impact of that color on a sense of that person. Fallon is a light or visible radiant energy with a particular wavelength. The photoreceptors in the retina translate this energy into colors, and retina contains three kinds of : a blue, green and red, and the rest of the colors you feel by mixing these three colors.

 According to Dr. Alexander thinks (Director of the U.S. Institute of Bio Social Research in Tacoma, Wash.), it is when the light energy enters our bodies, they stimulate the pineal . This explains why the colors have such direct control over our thoughts and our mood and our behavior, and it is surprising that the color effect even on Kviva sight, and those who think that they feel in color, as a result of energy frequencies that are generated within the body, and it shows that the colors you choose for your clothes and your home and your office and your car and Callie.Stardoll Other Your have a profound impact you have.

Colors are known to relieve tension, and it fills one's energy, but they relieve pain and other physical problems. It is worth noting that this idea is not new, in fact, this treatment is originally from traditional ancient Chinese science and so-called PAL (Feng Shui).
When choosing a color for a change in mental status, try to surround yourself with color and focus your mind on that part of it suffers from body during meditation in this color.

This radiation has been divided into two parts:

1) colors is positive: It is characterized by Btfaaladtha where acidic be invigorating and exciting:
- Red:
Addresses anemia (anemia) general weakness, rickets, and helps heal wounds, and cures eczema, burns and some diets acute, such as erysipelas, scarlet fever, measles, and strengthens the body's immunity to disease and increases the heart rate and activity inspiring the brain and respiratory rate. The color of emotions and energy and it helps the healing of disease impotence and frigidity and inflammation of the urinary bladder and skin problems and those who suffer from defects in the movements do not sit in a room decorated red or wear the color red, as well as those who suffer from high blood pressure and on the contrary those who suffer from low blood pressure.

- Orange:
Tonic for the heart and a general tonic and anti-sense land and apathy, depression, drowsiness and oppression and despair and all the bad feelings and helps to cure heart disease, neurological disorders and inflammation of the eyes, such as the cornea is one of the best colors so as to open the appetite and in particular to raise the rate of anorexia patients. Therefore orange mattresses placed on the table. When feeling tired or fatigue tried to wear orange That would raise the level of your energy.

- Yellow:
It is one of the strongest colors rhythm in the more memory you want to remember something I write on yellow paper. But it raises blood pressure and increases the heart rate, but less than red, but the color sexy energy and helps to get rid of depression and respiratory diseases, throat and cough which affects the pancreas, liver, spleen helps to rebuild tissues where but prohibits its use for pregnant women because it affects the work of the kidneys.

- Infrared color:
This color is not used at all in cases of congestion but it helps build red blood cells and sedative used for arthritis pain nerves, cure diseases, anemia and tuberculosis.

- Black:
This color is absolute and is not in the color spectrum and against White and stems from substance abuse and toxic called force-colored and gives a sense of strength and self-confidence but appetite frustrating if you want to lose weight Vafrh your food table with a black cap.

2 - colors is negative: It is characterized by alkaline Btfaaladtha where the cool and soothing:
- Blue:
He remade the activity of the body's nervous system and calming people nerve overweight and with high blood pressure, rheumatic diseases and atherosclerosis and anti-sexual frenzy and lead to relaxation and reduces the number of times breathing. The experiment was conducted aggressive when it came to the children and put them in a blue semester and noted a relative lull and a decrease in aggression. And also noted that the blue color cool the air and Iberdh of the people who live in warm humid climates It also helps relieve ulcers and back pain, rheumatism and inflammatory disorders.

- Indigo:
Resemble the blue in this color effect tonic for memory, thinking and heal intestinal disorders and affects the respiratory disease and heals all breathing disorders.

- Purple:
Sedative in general and especially in neurological and psychiatric diseases, but must use small doses of it. This affects the color on the right ear and teeth and bones, bladder, spleen and handling infectious diseases and analyze cells and tissues and increases benefit the body with food and also creates an atmosphere gives a sense of peace and safety but frustrating appetite is good for diseases of the scalp and kidney problems and the types of migraines.

- Pink (Albimbi):
Has a soothing effect on the body where based muscle . It has been found that the calming aggressive and who are inclined to violence, is usually used in prisons, hospitals and research centers and addiction treatment centers. The color pink is the color suitable for bedrooms where he makes a romantic atmosphere.

- Ultraviolet color:
Has a negative effect and cure rickets, but harmful in the case of diseases of the heart and lungs and cause separation networking as well as the eye is not used in the treatment of cancer but antiseptic and some killer germs.

- White:
It includes all the colors of the light spectrum and is used to treat the disease, especially yellow infected newborns where intense white highlights on them over the area of ​​the liver are healing. As well as doctors advised patients tuberculosis Baltarb, in light of the strong sun and wearing white dresses.

- Green:
To soothe pain in the case of cancer and affects the tongue and the brain, yellow and relieves neurological disorders, exhaustion and heart problems. When the - God forbid - patients tried to sit next to the hills or green area and your mind focused on the affected part who wishes his recovery.

- Green color above:
He fought for the bacteria and welded tissues and wounds, and this radiation is stronger than all the other colors, it is located inside the Great Pyramid and is present in all of the antibiotics.

Social medical aid

Social medical aid.

A treatment involving the setting close Balk of faith and brothers, educators and mentors and specialists It needs self-response of these who are suffering from these symptoms shed it. 

1 - dialogued - Psychological counsel -: 
With somebody trained within the art of listening. that permits the patient to specific his feelings. 
The speak and listen before - somebody - shows understanding and acceptance of the patient could also be appointed to get the items that hassle him. 
Psychological counselor could also be able to assist you to achieve a deeper understanding of your feelings and your thoughts and your behavior. 
Helps you to seek out ways in which to beat the issues you're experiencing. 
It aims to produce the chance for you to figure on life in an exceedingly a lot of fulfilling and productive. 
It ought to air the folks of Education to open chests to contain such issues. . that need the stock farmer breaststroke wide and also the length of PayPal and endeavour to achieve such patience them to safety. 
Helps you to grasp the issues and overcome emotional  links between your thoughts and the way they have an effect on your thoughts in you and in your behavior. Mental psychotherapy helps you develop sensible skills Tank on explore what lies at the basis of however you are feeling and your behavior. 
That the symptoms of hearing, or repress these feelings and emotions and sensations within the same patient adversely have an effect on the behavior and makes things a lot of sophisticated. 
The reluctance to pay attention and dialogued with these will increase within the gap between education theory and applied education. 
What a lot of must folks living with depression could be a one that cared. 
When you facilitate an addict or relative, you ought to not blame for being depressed or tell them that they need. perhaps they already blame themselves, and criticism could be a candidate as a result of will increase in depression. 
Praise is more practical than criticism. you'll be able to cue them that it's doable to try and do things to enhance their position, however you have got to try and do this fastidiously and kindness to own a bearing. it's vital to concentrate to your personal desires. If you can, try and involve the responsibility of caring friend or relative most doable range of individuals. try and realize folks you'll be able to specific them feelings Kanagawa. There could also be in your cluster to produce support to people who area unit in such state of affairs.

Get eliminate depression for good

Get eliminate depression for good

Proved a recent research project that smile affects the arteries that feed the brain blood flow standing, it's a matter of self-calm and a way of joy and pleasure

Remember that one in all them fell from the tenth floor, and through the autumn offset by a person during a balcony window within the fourth spherical and asks him: however area unit you?!
Falling replied: i am still okay thus far!!

 evasion and non-confrontation responsibilities

 don't look to the others.

amendment the routine
(Travel - amendment home - amendment renewal work .. in visits ..)
Thus, we discover that a amendment within the case of those habitats affects the behavior of 1 and therefore the same, and distract him what you discover.

 the abandonment of revenue and cutting diets.

 recreation permissible.

 If you'll not one thing .

Now we have a tendency to found an answer, for the treatment of depression era malady

Now we have a tendency to found an answer, for the treatment of depression era malady 
depression treatment center, managing Bering
help for depression, treatments for depression,

Treated while not medication 
- it's necessary to hunt the recommendation of your doctor if you suffer from depression continuous, it's necessary conjointly on every of the thought of suicide, obtain medical help forthwith.
- you'll notice it helpful you'll be able to look some outstanding things in your mind together with your doctor, or maybe with one near you, and sometimes helpful treatment listen neutral person to your issues while not being judged or criticized.

- The doctor suggests that you just use one in every of the sponsors of recommendation or a doctor scientist to review Halt of despite the very fact that there's lots of overlap between these 2 curricula,
Aliens sometimes tends to target your feelings and helps in understanding, whereas the head-shrinker seeks to vary negative patterns of thinking and channeled in an exceedingly additional positive curve.
- The support of assorted parties is beneficial wherever it will offer family and friends gift supply of support, encouragement and daily help, but not all and sundry lucky enough to possess Uncle and care in times like these.

- will increase the effectiveness of any treatment for depression in several cases to concentrate to life style and daily routine.
- it's necessary to try to to lots of exercises daily, ideally within the outdoors (Sports launches a chemical anti-depressants)
- It should be a healthy food.
- it's conjointly necessary to fill each day fun and fascinating activities, however with the necessity to not pig out them.
- human action with friends and chatting with them may also facilitate within the face of depression.

Treatment and medicine 
Firstly: Atari treatment:
Can be helpful essential oils to boost mood and calm the nerves and relieve depression, like bush,
Add a couple of drops of 1 of those oils to the bathtub or place the oil in an exceedingly pot of plight to fragrance the space otherwise you will place a couple of drops of volatile oil on a material napkin and inhale the smell.

Second: The flavoring therapy: Herbal therapy may also be useful:
A - rosemary tea helps in assuaging the frustration,
Put a tablespoon of dried rosemary leaves and crushed in an exceedingly cup of boiling water for ten minutes, then a row before drinking tea.
B - herbal tea will Borges, John herb or herb Ervin to boost morale:
Put a tablespoon of dried grass in an exceedingly cup of boiling water for ten minutes, then infusion row.

Third: reflex therapy: Click on anyone of the points secularity shown within the image below for a couple of minute, and repeat a similar movement within the alternative foot.

- Stimulate the 3 points of the top and within the bottom of the large finger within the foot: at the bottom and therefore the periphery and therefore the higher finish of the finger.
- to extend relaxation Click on the nerve plexus to the aspect of the foot outcrop.
- To ease the frustration click on foot outcrop, close to the nerve plexus, to stimulate the adrenal glands.

IV: Treatment clicking the hand: To relieve the frustration, use your finger to carefully شغط within the groove on top of the higher lip and below the nose for a amount of a couple of minute.

What ways of treatment obtainable for the treatment of depression??

What ways of treatment obtainable for the treatment of depression?? 

It is stunning that after you square measure searching for facilitate to treat depression, it seem to be an additional burden to decide on between differing kinds of treatment at a time once it should be troublesome you create any call. a large vary of treatments obtainable. however the provision of a number of these treatments is also restricted reckoning on wherever you reside. as an example, a treatment that's through dialogued, like psychological guidance (counseling), it's obtainable in London and south-eastern areas additional remote areas within the north of European country. 

Who suffer from depression supposed that they will select freely between multiple treatment choices or a mix of treatments. In fact, the additional people that attend doctors providing them public medicine medication because the initial choice. for several individuals, the mix of medical care that's through dialogued and Heaven by antidepressants is that the best thanks to cope with depression. 

Psychological guidance 

Psychological guidance embody dialogued with somebody trained within the art of listening. this enables you to specific your feelings so as to start to search out your solutions to your issues. speak and listen before somebody shows understanding and acceptance might assist you to find the items that trouble you. Psychological counselor is also ready to assist you to succeed in a deeper understanding of your feelings and your thoughts and your behavior. 

Public clinic that follow them might have service and psychological guidance (counseling) follow her or is also ready to refer you to the service and psychological guidance (counseling) different track the National Health Service (NHS). can even get recommendation from many personal and voluntary organizations. 

Mental behavior modification 

Behavior therapy is that the treatment of mental through dialogued helps to know the issues and overcome emotional difficulties. Wizard you'll be able to realize links between your thoughts and the way they have an effect on your thoughts in you and in your behavior. Mental behavior modification helps you develop sensible skills Tank on explore what lies at the foundation of however you are feeling and your behavior. Mental behavior modification typically practiced by doctors Psychiatrists so a transfer of your MD is typically necessary. 

Self-help teams (self-help groups) 

Self-help teams (self-help groups) care for the principle that it should be helpful to fulfill with others that suffer from depression. this might facilitate to eliminate the sentiments of isolation and at an equivalent time Trek however others managed to beat their difficulties. to search out that you just will facilitate others will assist you too. These teams square measure typically crystal rectifier by people that have overcome depression themselves. 


Antidepressants square measure the foremost common medical treatment ways. It affects chemicals within the brain that improves mood. It doesn't cure depression, however beyond any doubt alleviate the symptoms to be ready to do one thing to cope with depression on your own. Antidepressants don't work with every person and cause unwanted facet effects. typically it'll take between 2 to four weeks before it takes result medication. Some antidepressants is also dangerous once used with different medicine, has been littered with the results of ending after you stop abuse. 

Shelter within the hospital 

If you're depressed, you will ought to sharply shelter and protection provided by you hospital's medicine department. This would possibly offer a chance for mental doctor to observe the impact of various forms of treatment you. 

The hospital will give you with a secure and corroborative surroundings, if you're in a very state of disorder, that relieves you will be that there'll be people around you and you recognize that there square measure people who watch out of you. however it should be a difficult factor to be in a very wing of the hospital wherever there's very little in terms of privacy and you have got to alphabetic character to rules and rules might not suit you, and wherever you would possibly be cautious of the behavior of different patients. Doctors typically wish to stay patients out of the hospital however some patients is also obligatory on them beneath confinement if he thought it necessary to keep up their health or safety or for the protection of others.