Q: How is Depression?
A: In the treatment of depression you have to take into account different strategies. The most important are represented by psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, but it would be a mistake not to take into account other types of therapy less common, but which must be taken into account in some special situations and / or when the two approaches prove ineffective election: is the case, for example, the light therapy in disorder to seasonal trend; electroconvulsive therapy (TEC) in the depressions resistant or when the use of drugs is contraindicated; transcranial magnetic stimulation (SMT) recent introduction of a technique that seems effective in depression and also in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the vagus nerve stimulation, this newly introduced active in certain forms of treatment-resistant depression.

Q: There are many psychotherapeutic techniques: they are all equally effective?
A: In fact, more than 200 have been described psychotherapeutic techniques, from the classical Freudian psychoanalysis to the many techniques more or less reliable and more or less "personal" (applied, that is, by those who have proposed and a few others). Although it is difficult to evaluate in a standardized way the effectiveness of psychotherapy, two methods have been objectively proven effective in depressed patients, cognitive therapy (or cognitive-behavioral) and interpersonal therapy.

Q: What is cognitive therapy?
R: Cognitive therapy is a short-term therapy (15-20 sessions) that aims to identify certain fixed patterns of reasoning and interpretation of reality, the so-called "cognitive distortions," which can be defined as erroneous ideas that affect the way which we see and evaluate ourselves. These cognitive distortions can be considered as the cause of severe and persistent negative emotions, which are the symptoms of the disorder. Once these cognitive distortions, cognitive therapy tries to fix them and integrate them with other thoughts more objective, or at least more functional well-being of the person.
This is also called cognitive-behavioral therapy because this therapy also tries to change the relationship that exists between the situations that are the basis of the difficulties and emotional reactions and behavior that the person has in those circumstances, by learning how to react new and positive.

1. The most important thing about depression
The depressions are a widespread disease. A depression is 
however, can be successfully treated. There is no reason to be ashamed of some
symptoms of depression.
2. Who suffers from depression?
A depression is a disease that occurs frequently and that can affect
anyone. It is assumed that about 20% of the population becomes ill at least once
in the life of depression. More than 4 million people in Germany are sick to
moment of depression. The depressive disorders are therefore diseases
psychic and more frequent. The women will be affected about 2 times more frequently
of men.
3.Cos' is depression?
Suffer from depression does not just mean being sad or feel sorry because of
a loss. A depression is a functional disorder (such as diabetes or
high blood pressure) of the psychic functions, which affects your thoughts and feelings,
on your physical health and your behavior.
A depression can be caused or facilitated by the particular conditions of life (for
example extremely stressful conditions or strong 
make it harder for a complete cure. A depression is not a weakness
personal, but a medical condition that should be treated.
Depression can be caused by various circumstances:
... Family history and causes of hereditary origin,
Life experiences ... particularly heavy,
... Other medical conditions,
Certain medicines ...,
... Abuse of alcohol or drugs,
... Other mental disorders.

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression: Electric treatment for severe depression A new study published in the journal Brain Stimulation (Brain Stimulation) reports initial cl...

Treatment of depression: Severe depression

Treatment of depression: Severe depression: Melancholy is the most intense and most severe form of depression. His clinical depressive syndrome differs from that has just been descri...

Treatment of depression: What is depression?

Treatment of depression: What is depression?: What is depression? It is very important to get the nuance between what we call depression, which is actually a normal depressive reacti...

Treatment of depression: Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cry...

Treatment of depression: Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cry...: Ten physical ailments due to depression myself cryptic diagnosis difficult. And one of us who takes leave believing that job stress is...

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression

Treatment of depression: Electric treatment for severe depression: Electric treatment for severe depression A new study published in the journal Brain Stimulation (Brain Stimulation) reports initial cl...

Treatment of depression: Severe depression

Treatment of depression: Severe depression: Melancholy is the most intense and most severe form of depression. His clinical depressive syndrome differs from that has just been descri...

Treatment of depression: What is depression?

Treatment of depression: What is depression?: What is depression? It is very important to get the nuance between what we call depression, which is actually a normal depressive reacti...

What is depression?

What is depression?
It is very important to get the nuance between what we call depression, which is actually a normal depressive reaction after certain life events, and depression is a real illness requiring attention and appropriate treatment.
Depression is a reaction to the social and psychological factors (eg, bereavement, separation, divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, etc..) That generate normal depression. These phenomena have a limited time period and usually give way to stimuli and other pleasures.
In the case of  factors in people who are infected. The duration of a real depression is usually long and can even extend over one or two years if it is not treated properly. In addition, the depressed person does not respond to stimuli and therefore find little or no pleasure in any activity whatsoever.
Some facts about depression
• 17% of people will have depression at some point during their life time;
• Each year, 5% of people with depression;
• The disease is more common in women during the fertile period, from puberty to menopause;
• humans, depression is most common after age 40;
• a large number of teenagers and elderly people suffer from depression;
• all people are prone to depression, regardless of their race or religion;
Warning Signs
Illustration of biopsychosocial interaction of depression
Social stress
Psychological defense (depression or physical reaction)
Biological sensitivity (major depression or physical illness)
Environmental Factors
Depression can be caused by various environmental factors:
• lifestyle;
• drug use;
• poisoned work environment;
• unemployment;
• Single family.
Biological Factors
In the person with major depression, some changes in neurotransmitters are made:
• a decrease in serotonin, which causes feelings of depression, anxiety and obsessive thoughts, and loss of sleep and loss of appetite;
• a decrease in norepinephrine causes a loss of energy, loss of motivation and negative thoughts;
• a decrease of dopamine, resulting in a decrease in feelings of pleasure and difficulty in concentration.

Hormonal perspective, we can see other biological phenomena experienced by the depressed person:
• in women, hormonal fluctuation occurs during fertile cycles and during pregnancy and after childbirth, and humans, there is a gradual decline in androgen levels after 40 years;
• dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
• increased release of cortisol stress-related;
• immune function is also reduced.
Psychological Factors
Psychological factors are noted in depression:
• a feeling of rejection and loss towards people loved, and even though they are still close to her;
• a severity to his own person, very rigid conscience, a willingness to punish her for everything she has done wrong in the past;
• negative thoughts, one thing to be a bad person, that everything around him is bad and everything is always bad;
• a feeling that life is worthless, hopeless and there is no help available.
The main symptoms that help diagnose major depression in a person are as follows:
• sleep problems (insomnia or hypersomnia);
• loss of energy and fatigue
• loss of interest and pleasure;
• psychomotor slowing or agitation;
• poor concentration or ability to think or indecision;
• feelings of guilt;
• recurrent thoughts of death (in 60% of cases), recurrent suicidal ideation (in 15% of cases).
Must be detected at least five of the nine symptoms in a person before a diagnosis of depression.

Associated symptoms:
- Anxiety;
- Social withdrawal.
Psychological, biological and community treatment of depression are intended to improve the overall condition of the person affected taking into account the various biopsychosocial factors.
At the beginning of treatment, psychotherapists can help people with the following:
• providing them in the support and the information;
• organizing information sessions with the family;
• involving them in their recovery.
In times of crisis, people with major depression may receive specific individual aid:
• via a cognitive-behavioral therapy;
• using interpersonal therapy.
After the crisis, the following process will be undertaken:
• therapy in more depth with the person;
• a therapeutic approach involving close.
Throughout this process, the reference to the depressed person and his family to community organizations, such as Revive, is very useful.
Biological treatment
Depression is treated with drugs called antidepressants. This medication regulates neurotransmitters and can find fairly quickly (usually within a few weeks)
• sleep;
• appetite;
• renewed energy;
• pleasure;
• positive thoughts;
• Better concentration;
• a decrease in anxiety.
If the first choice antidepressant does not work, combinations of antidepressants or uploads other treatments may potentiate the mood:
• hormones (estrogen, testosterone, thyroid extracts);
• tryptophan;
• mood stabilizers (lithium, anticonvulsants);
• atypical neuroleptics;
• psychostimulants.
Antidepressants should be prescribed for a period of at least six months after the remission of the disease in order to minimize the risk of recurrence. However, the treatment may be extended if depressive symptoms persist. Antidepressants do not create addiction, but should, at the end of treatment be discontinued gradually.
The treatment of depression with antidepressants is effective in 75% of people with depression. It is important to mention that we should aim to complete remission of the disease

Severe depression

Melancholy is the most intense and most severe form of depression. His clinical depressive syndrome differs from that has just been described by three key elements:

mental pain than physical pain, divestment is global and massive, slow the engine approaches linhibition,
expression of delusional ideas often reluctantly always centered on themes of worthlessness, déchec, guilt, or ruin dincurabilité,
constant desire for death, sometimes verbalized, often with great reluctance: only its inhibition prevents moving subject to the achievement of the notice suicidal.
Any melancholy life-threatening. The risk of suicide should be evaluated in all depressed patients, asking them directly about their suicidal thoughts and impulses as well as their personal history of suicide attempts.

Clinical forms

The clinic episode determines the specifics of melancholy access:

single melancholic depression: intensity of grief, the importance of anhedonia, psychomotor retardation and somatic symptoms, presence of delusions (guilt, worthlessness)
delirious melancholy major depressive episode associated with delirium near the simple melancholic depression plus the notion of persecution,
anxious melancholy anxiety marked hypersthésie painful agitation (disturbing diagnosis), moral pain and severe anhedonia, lack of reaction with the environment, sense of guilt, unworthiness,
stupor melancholy maximum psychomotor inhibition, often involved in bipolar disorder,
mood disorder masked by somatic symptoms which the patient refers (physical ailments:: digestive disorders, cardio-respiratory and varied and persistent pain such as headaches, pains of facial area, back pain). masked depression Multiple somatization and anxiety sensations conceal depressive syndrome making diagnosis difficult.